Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Share It

Many things had happened within this week. Most of them were bad news, like one of my our primary schoolmate was passed away in way of committing suicide, a girl who used to be our friend is having mental problem, no job and no chance of being educated in tertiary level for her.

Life is full of unexpected incidences. Today you're still here, but you may just not here tomorrow onwards. Human, so called human, indeed, this is the way or path which we need to get through and the ending is all depending on you, yourself.

Friends will never give up on each other. No matter what you're facing, bad or good thing, just find us to talk or share with, don't force all unhappiness buried deep in your heart. Be generous, say it out and do share with us, don't keep it till end up with sadness and depression. I really don't wish to hear any bad news about my friends anymore.

"Know to release is always better than keeping it"

by sincere friend, Ean Wai

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