Friday, January 28, 2011

Being apart from each other for almost one month, you may say that is a long moment, or you may not. Just want to drop something, have some cleaning job to clear those "spider webs" which hanging around this blog. At last, wishing u guys:
Happy Chinese New Year
Happy Going Home
Safe Journey

Saturday, January 15, 2011

CNY BBQ Gathering

Friends, I had created an event in Facebook. We need to count on whether how many person are joining earlier, so that we can buy those food earlier to avoid from buying expensive stuff during CNY. Kindly follow this link, and log in to your facebook account and respond it. Thanks!

Friday, January 7, 2011


Got this at the Cari forum, and would like to share with you all^^


7月,我呈上了一张表格,表格的标题为"Assigning supervisor for dissertation and title approval form"。据工作人员的口讯,这需要1个月的时间来处理,批准了之后会呈给我的指导教授。同时,据学长,我必须尽快做好我的策划表,然后再呈交论文的前三个月,再呈一张绿色表格,标题为"3 month notice of submission of thesis"。于是我在这个月尽快整理我之前所集合的质料,进行编排。

8月,据教授,他并没有收到assigning supervisor的表格。但是他叫我不必担心,只管继续做我的论文。我同时给他看我的计划时间表和我的进度,要求他签那张绿色表格让我呈给办公处。其实这个时候我已经完成了我的literature review。所有实验结果也已经完成,只是需要时间编排而已。但是他执意要我完成了我的结果分析和编排才肯签。也罢,我只管做。

9月,我三番两次打电话给办公处,终于那个assigning supervisor的表格批下了。教授也已经收到了。这个月我见过教授时,他悻然冒出一句"I had got the form of assigning supervisor, now i have to look into your work serious"。其实这个时候我已经完成了资料分析,所欠的是一个verification test而已………………我要求他签绿色表格,但是他执意要看完我的verification test,并告诉我那张绿色表格只是供文书处理所用,对我的进程没有影响,只要我完成我的论文,绿色表格批下后的隔一天我就可以呈我的论文…………

10月,我在月尾完成了我的verification test,也已经全然写好。但是从教授的口中,他似乎没有看过我的论文……却一直跟我说没问题,讲我做得好。但是他却不肯签那张表格,并要求我将我的论文转化成journal paper format才肯签…………我无话可说。

11月,我并没有去做所谓的journal paper,但是我在一次偶然的情况下,跟某工作人员谈起论文呈交的工序,他告诉我绿色表格的用意其实是thesis title approval,每一个月只有一次开会来批此表格,因此如果我要赶在12月交论文的话,我这个月一定要呈上我的绿色表格。我马上见我的指导教授。结果他问了下办公处,给我的回应竟然是procedure change,因此马上就签给我了…………我急忙呈上。

12月14号,我亲临马大,他们说person in charge on leave,叫我隔天再来。
12月15号(今天),我830到马大,他们告诉我Sorry lah, kami lupa hantarkan borang u ke meeting, kena tunggu next month...






-by Isaac-

My New House~

ya~ i've been here for a week~
my house also known as DEMA (student and youth democratic movement) house
it is situated at Taman Gasing Indah, Petaling Jaya.

i thought it was an air-polluted area( since at KL)
but when i came i saw a big big Taman Bunga,
surrounded with trees and natural environment,
the houses around here very nice. except my house...hehe
here got lots of monkeys ( headache when they looking for food in garbage)

somemore the house rent less than RM200 per month. (including wifi,water,electric) .
basically RM162.50 or RM186 (not including water,wifi,electric)
so it is considered very cheap in Petaling Jaya area.

the housemates all are social activists and NGO coordinator ,
of cause i'm the youngest among them~
so they treated me very nice as a little brother.

actually i got 2 korean pretty housemates~ they came Malaysia for student movement internship, but one more week they have to go back Korea. sob sob~
example of a Korean pretty girl~wahaha

my room, just myself. do anything also can~ wakaka~

actually the house quite dirty~ but i have clean it . ^.^

our student movement activities~

i won't feel bored here~ since got many books to read...
many activities to join~ and many things to learn~
I have to admit. i'm a busyman~ Never say BORING in my life~ Bye.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Back from Teoh Beng Hock's inquest

Today is Beng Hock

Tomorrow could be happened to our love one

After 1 and half year,Open Verdict is certainly not the result

We want Royal Commission now!

We demand for Royal Commission for Beng Hock's death!